Eyal Golan. Nagat Li BaLev (2012)

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Number of CD(s) in package: 1

Eyal Golan's fans -- and fans of Mediterranean/Mizrahi music in general -- are thrilled with this new album. It is Eyal's 16th album, and he seems to be getting better with every release. One of Israel's hardest working artists, Eyal released this album with its sixteen new songs just a year after his most recent studio album.

1. Kshe At Ito


2. Osher Amiti


3. Boher MiHadash


4. Parpar


5. Shuvi Yaldonet


6. Deja Vu

7. Kol Kach Yafa

8. Levadi

9. Hayim Shlemim

10. Mamri

11. Eich Hu Ohev

12. Lu Hayiti Yahol

13. Mangina

14. Ahuva Sheli

15. Nagat Li Balev

16. Malkei Hamalachim

17. Mleat Ahava

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