Torah Conversations with Nechama Leibowitz (Hardcover)

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From Israel with Love!

By Rabbi Benjamin S. Yasgur 
Nechama Leibowitz (1905-1997) was a renowned Biblical scholar, pedagogue and master trainer of teachers. "Torah Conversations with Nechama Leibowit" takes the reader on a journey of discovery beneath the surface of important Biblical passages, utilizing traditional principles of Torah learning to open up wondrous new dimensions to familiar narratives. This volume has the unique power to deepen and enrich the way someone understands Torah, and so to constanly experience the joy and feeling of discovery whenever they learn. 
Hardcover, 128 pages 
publication: 2013 
About the author: 
Rabbi Yasgur was privileged to study under the tutelage of the late Professor Nechama Leibowitz. Beginning with an intensive year of classes, followed by correspondence, personal visits and regular phone conversations spanning a period of 24 years, Rabbi Yasgur amassed a treasury of insights, many of which he shares in this volume. 
Rabbi Yasgur is a noted educator and communal leader. He is the rabbi of Congregation Torah Ohr in Boca Raton, Florida, and the former rabbi of Congregation Beth Tefillah in Paramus, New Jersey. He was the founding director of Jewish Educational Services (a central agency for Jewish education) of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, and has served as principal of the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County (HANC) Elementary School and Hillel Academy of Fairfield, Connecticut. 

Rabbi Yasgur was ordained at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University and earned master’s degrees in Jewish education and Jewish philosophy, degrees in psychology and Talmud, and a Hebrew Teacher’s Diploma. He is a recipient of the Dr. Herman Axelrod Scholarship in Jewish Education for Outstanding Academic Achievement awarded by the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University.  

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