Kiddush Buying Guide

Before meals on Shabbat and holidays, Kiddush is said over wine and in an elegant goblet. Kiddush is a way to sanctify the holy day, as the word literally means "sanctification", but it is also a way to remember the importance of Shabbat. Friday night dinner and Saturday lunch have different words and on Friday night, Kiddush is usually started with singing Shalom Alechem. Holidays like Rosh Hashanah, Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot usually follow a similar text but insert something about each holiday. As for the elegant goblet, Shabbat is a time to use something special and not items used on a daily basis, which is where the silver cup comes in. Traditionally, Kiddush cups are made from silver but artists have made beautiful Kiddush cups from anodized aluminum, glass, wood, clay, and other creative materials. Take a look at what will make your Kiddush extra special week after week.

Kiddush Cups

Kiddush Cup

For Kiddush, you are going to need a beautiful Kiddush cup, and we happen to carry a huge selection of magnificent cups, not only for adults but also for children who want to partake in this sacred ritual. A Kiddush cup is something personal and you can choose one that speaks to your personality, whether you are a more modern man or someone who sticks to tradition. Some Kiddush cups, such as this rocket-like one, are great for a Bar Mitzvah boy, while others like those from Hazorfim are meant for the man of the house. Everyone deserves a beautiful cup which is why there are also stunning options for those on a budget. One can still have an elegant Shabbat table with a colorful handmade ceramic cup or a wooden cup by Yair Emanuel.

❤︎ We love this hammered sterling silver cup and this Jerusalem Kiddush cup with gold highlights.

Kiddush Fountain

Kiddush Fountain

Kiddush fountains make passing around the wine or grape juice a whole lot easier. Rather than passing a single cup for everyone to drink from, a Kiddush fountain disperses equal amounts of wine or juice into 8 or 10 shot-glass cups. Some are solid colors like these yellow, blue, and red fountains but other offer a rainbow of color. Nadav Art's sterling silver fountain has multi-colored grapes along the spouts while Agayof's anodized aluminum fountain offers a different color for every cup. Some will sparkle and shine like this nickel fountain, while others offer a lovely bold color to the table, but either way, the days of worrying about germs or spilling wine are over when you have a kiddush fountain!

❤︎ We love this textured 8-piece Kiddush fountain and this rainbow Kiddush fountain.


Wine from Israel

Friday night Kiddush must be said over wine, while Saturday Kiddush can be said over any alcohol. Most prefer to use wine for both times and why not make it even more special with a bottle of Israeli wine. Traditionally a red wine is used for Kiddush, but many also go for a delicious white wine, especially in the summer. The Golan Heights Winery is known around the world for its incredible wines, including a Cabernet Sauvignon from their Galil Mountain line or something from the illustrious Yarden wines collection. If you're in the mood for a new type of wine, pomegranate wine has been all the talk, and for good reason! We offer a sweet and semi-dry pomegranate wine that tastes just like Israel. Make Kiddush special with a bottle of Israeli wine that you might just finish at your Shabbat meal.

❤︎ We love Sion Creek Red and Castel Grand Vin.

Birkonim and Siddurim


Some Birkonim and Siddurim have Kiddush written in it so that you can read along and use it for Tefilah and Birkat Hamazon. Koren, one of Israel's largest publishers, has made Siddurim specifically for Shabbat like the Ani Tefilla and the Koren Sacks Siddur. Kiddush on Friday night has Shalom Alechem and some sing Eishet Chayal, and having where to read from will make it easier. You can follow along in Hebrew or English so that you can say Kiddush in whichever language you feel more comfortable with.

❤︎ We love this Book of Blessings- Gold Edition and the Koren Sacks Siddur.