Bring home a piece of beloved Jewish art with any serigraphs from the Judaica WebStore. Our selection includes 100+ serigraphs from over a dozen different artists, each with their own magnificent style. Colorful scenes of Israel, animals, and Jewish traditions are what makeup these masterpieces, bound to look beautiful in your home or office. There are so many Israeli artists to choose from, so to make looking a bit easier, we made this guide featuring just a few of our favorites.

Reuven Rubin

Romanian born Rubin Zelicovici, now known as Reuven Rubin, moved to Jerusalem in 1912 to study art at the prestigious Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, but left after a year to continue studying in Paris. Rubin only made it back to Israel in 1923, after living in Romania and New York. He began painting life in Israel- the people, the landscape but in a modern and sensitive way as seen with The Road to Ein Kerem and Safed in the Galilee, that paved the way for future Israeli artists. Rubin was the chairman of the Association of Painters and Sculptors of Palestine and designed backdrops for many Israeli theaters. The Rubin Museum in Tel Aviv opened in his former home after he passed away, and Rubin's paintings became incredibly popular.

❤︎ We love the Port of Old Jaffa.

Zina Roitman

Zina Roitman is a renowned Israeli artist originally from the USSR. She studied classical art at the Art Academy of Kishinev before immigrating to Israel in 1974, which she portrays in her many aquarelle paintings and silk prints. Roitman was influenced by Picasso, Chagall, and other contemporary artists, as well as Japanese artists, who commonly use silk screen prints. When admiring her work, you are almost transported to these serene places throughout Israel, such as the Kotel, and places unknown like this river side, but you can feel the warmth given off in her masterpieces. Roitman's paintings bring a new light into any room.

❤︎ We love this vibrant Western Wall and this painting of Zichron Yakkov.

Nahum Gutman

Nahum Gutman moved to what would soon become Tel Aviv in 1905 from Odessa as a young child with his family. His interest in art lead him to study at the Bezalel Academy of Art and design in Jerusalem, as well as schools in Europe, but created a distinctive style of art, involving oils, watercolors, gouche, and ink but he wasn't held down to paper or canvas. He was also interested in sculptures and mosaics, which can be found all around Tel Aviv, with some of his most famous works being murals in the Shalom Tower and Chief Rabbinate building. His love of Tel Aviv is reflected in his paintings, such as his Independence Day. Gutman was also a writer and illustrator for children's literature and won many awards for his work.

❤︎ We love this Square in Safed and House in Jaffa.

Menashe Kadishman

Menashe Kadishman is one of Israel's most famous original artists, along with Gutman and Rubin. Kadishman was born in Tel Aviv, and began to study art and sculpting at the Avni Institute of Art and Design and in Jerusalem with sculptor Rudi Lehmann. He continued his art education in London and began creating minimalistic pieces that influenced his later work found throughout Israel. Before leaving for London, Kadishman spent time as a shepherd which lead him to create his trademark- the sheep. His sheep paintings feature the face of a sheep and have colorful backgrounds, and are incredibly famous.

❤︎ We love this sheep with a flower crown.

Edwin Salomon

Unlike other Israeli artists, Edwin Salomon puts his focus on animals. From exotic to the ones you see almost everyday, the Romanian born artist used animals, specifically those found in the Middle East, as an expressive tool to show true human characteristics. Family, love, and peace are different themes that make their way into Salomon's paintings. Like many other Israeli artists, Salomon received his art education in Europe before bringing his talent to Israel.

❤︎ We love this Elephant family.


Gregory Kohelet

Gregory Kohelet abstract paintings reflect his life- from where he has lived to his family members, and he is one of the more modern artists from Israel. Originally from the USSR, Kohelet studied art at the Art Academy in Tashkent and moved to Israel after the collapse of the USSR where he lived in Jerusalem for ten years. During his time in Jerusalem, he painted bright, conversation provoking pictures of the iconic Jerusalem skyline, focusing on the Old City. His inspiration comes from simply observing the space around him, as well as the Tanach.

❤︎ We love this Rainbow Over Jerusalem.

Leonid Balaklav

Leonid Balaklav is another of Israel's more modern artists. Born and raised in Russia, Balaklav moved to Jerusalem in 1990 which was the source of inspiration for many of his pictures. The other inspiration of his is people, often painting self-portraits or those of family and friends. Balaklav focuses on the colors that surround him as he takes a more traditional approach with his paintings which has earned him many awards and prizes, as well as many famous collectors such as Sheldon Adelson, Ronald Lauder, and Amos Shoken. His paintings invoke the feeling of being wherever the scene takes place.

❤︎ We love "Three Generations " in Jerusalem.