Kol HaNeshama (Voice of the Soul): Songs of Prayer, Hope, and Longing. Various Artists. 2 CD Set (2009)

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Number of CD(s) in package: 2

This outstanding collection includes 35 of the most beloved Jewish prayers and classic religious songs in new performances by many of Israel's top musicians, including Ahinoam Nini (Noa), Mosh Ben Ari, Miri Mesika, Ilanit, Gad Elbaz, David D'Or, Yossi Banai, Haim Moshe, Yehoram Gaon, and many others.

CD 1:

1. Shema Yisrael - Moshe Hovav

2. Ana Bekoach - Ovadia Hamama


3. Tefila Lederech - Gad Elbaz


4. Adon Haslichot - Yossi Azulay

5. Shir Lemaalot - Sheva (with Mosh Ben Ari)


6. Hitnaari - Gad Elbaz

7. Al Tashlicheni -Shimi Tavori


8. Tzur Mishelo Ahalnu - Shlomo Bar & Yasmin Levy

9. Barcheinu - Avihu Medina


10. Adon Olam -Uzi Hitman

11. Yadid Nefesh - Dudu Zakai

12. Mi Haish - Shuly Nathan & Nehama Hendel

13. Ptach Lanu Shaar - Yehoram Gaon


14. Tefilla - Gad Elbaz

15. Hatikun Haklali - Erez Yechiel

16. Kol Haolam Kulo - Peter Wertheimer

 CD 2:


1. Leorech Hayim - Yossi Azulay

2. Avi Hatov Shebashamayim - Rivka Zohar

3. Smachot Ktanot - Amir Benayun & Micha Shitreet

4. Yam Harachamim - Kobi Aflalo

5. Shir Tikva - Miri Mesika

6. Arim Roshi - Shay Gabso

7. Hahayim Yafim - Achinoam Nini (Noa)

8. Shmor Al Haolam - David D'Or

9. Kshe Tavo - Boaz Sharabi

10. Pri Ganech - Aviva Avidan & Eli Luzon

11. Yhie Ratzon - Shimi Tavori & Meni Beger

12. Hayeled Shebikashti - Beni & Gad Elbaz

13. Hayom Hayom - Ofer Levy

14. Esh Makom - Yehoram Gaon

15. Dror (Be Derech LeYerushalayim) - Ilanit

16. Million Kohavim - Amit Parkash

17. Halicha LeCaesaria (Eli, Eli) - Natanela

18. Al Kol Ele - Yossi Banai

19. Anachnu Maaminim - Lee Fishman

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