Nafshi Calta Laharuzim. The Best of Israel's Poetry Set to Israeli Music. 2 CD Set

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Number of CD(s) in package: 2

Many of Israel's most popular and enduring songs are in fact poems that composers have taken upon themselves to set to music. This wonderful collection includes 46 of the best known examples. The poets represented include the cream of Israel's literary output, such as Shaul Tchernichovsky, Yehuda Amichai, Elisheva, Leah Goldberg, Chaim Nachum Bialik, Nathan Alterman, Rachel, and more.

Among the performers you will hear are some of the most beloved musicians in Israel's history, including Shlomo Artzi, Ilanit, Yehoram Gaon, Ruthie Navon, Matti Caspi, and many more.

22 of the songs on this compilation are being released here for the very first time!

CD 1:

1. Omrim Yeshna Eretz - Shlomo Artzi

2. Shoshanat Plaim Yoni Nimri

3. Leorech hashidra She'ein Ba Ish - Ilanit

4. Nafshi Kalta Laharuzim - Alexandra

5. Shir Haboker - Nava Bruchin

6. Leilot Lilach - Susan & Fran

7. Kenatot Hayom - Dorit Reuveni

8. Lifnei Esrim Shana - Ilanit

9. Yamim Levanim - Ruhama Raz

10. Bat Harav Ve'ama - Josie Katz

11. Yom Yom Ani Holech Lema'onech - Matti Caspi

12. Rak Al Atzmi - Danny Granot

13. Tziporim Nadot - The Nahal Vocal Ensemble

14. Mocheret Prachim Ktana - Irit Bulka

15. Heyeh Na Tov - Ha'ahim Veha'ahayot

16. At Haki Li - The Armored Brigade Vocal Ensemble

17. Ha'omnam (At Telchi Basadeh) - Danny Granot

18. Ahavata Shel Tirza Dimon - Edna Lev

19. Dina - Miri Aloni

20. Cochavim Metzitzim Vekavim - Ruthie Navon

21. Yom Bo Yakum - Zmira Hen

22. Zemer Noga (Hatishma Koli) - Lehakat Zohar Hashvi'i

23. Mikreh Elisha vehane'arim - Shlomo Artzi

24. Hit'amlut Boker - Ran Eliran & Zohar Hashvi'i

CD 2:

1. Hoy Artzi Moladeti - Shokolad Menta Mastik

2. Magash Hakesef - Yehoram Gaon

3. Im Redet Yom - Avi Toledano

4. Zemer Noga (Hatishma Koli) - Yosef Mustaki

5. Lo Pa'am Bakayitz - Alexandra

6. Pitom Achshav Pitom Hayom - Shlomo Artzi

7. Ari Neuri - Tzila Dagan

8. Lo Yaha Ish Mihi - Chava Alberstein

9. Shalosh Atonot - Edna Lev

10. Spanei Shlomo Hamelech - Ilana Rubina

11. Tango Kfar Saba - Tzipi Shavit

12. Erev Bebeit Hacafe - Matti Caspi

13. Hava Nabira - Miri Aloni

14. Kenatot Hayom - The Inducted Armored Brigade Band

15. Mesaviv Lamedura - The Paratrooper Brigade Vocal Ensemble

16. Shir Shel Menuhot - Tamar Rosenfeld

17. Ha'omnam (At Telchi Basadeh) - Mali Bronstein

18. Tzana Lu Zalzel - Michal Tal

19. Beyom Kayitz Beyom Hom (original version) - Nechama Handel

20. Vidui - Tzila Dagan

21. Shir Siyum (Kvar Hasha'a Meuheret) - The Ma'apil Trio


22. Lo Bayom Velo Balaila - Rimona Francis & Stu Cohen

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