How to Choose a Kosher Mezuzah Scroll
What Makes a Mezuzah Kosher?
In order for a mezuzah to be considered kosher, it must contain a kosher mezuzah scroll inside.
A kosher scroll, also called a klaf, is one that has been meticulously handwritten by a sofer, a professionally trained Jewish scribe, on traditional parchment. Preparing a mezuzah scroll is a very precise and challenging process as even the tiniest imperfection can render the scroll unsuitable. There cannot be any cracks or flaws in the parchment itself; every single letter of the text must be formed perfectly; and the scroll should be written while having the proper intention in mind.
Properly kosher mezuzah scrolls may not be printed, and only one side of the parchment is fully inscribed. On the opposite side of the scroll, only a single word is written: "Shadai," one of the three-letter names of God and a Hebrew acronym for "Shomer Daltot Yisrael," or "Guardian of Israel's Doors." When the parchment is rolled up tightly in order to be placed inside the mezuzah, Shadai is the only word that is left visible.
It is for this reason that many mezuzah cases are also marked on the outside with the Hebrew letter Shin, as the first letter of "Shadai," though this is not a requirement.
All the mezuzah scrolls in our store are certified as kosher, or fit for religious use, by Israeli religious authorities. They're written by expert scribes and thoroughly checked and proofread.
Different Kinds of Kosher Mezuzah Scrolls
Now that you're ready to buy a kosher parchment scroll for your mezuzah, you'll have to decide which kind of scroll fits with your tradition, preferences, and budget best:
✡ Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi - These two traditions have developed slightly different scripts or fonts over time; people generally choose a mezuzah scroll that follows the tradition they grew up with.
✡ Ari & Beit Yosef versions - These are 2 distinct subtypes that exist within the Ashkenazi tradition, each with their own uniquely beautiful writing style. Ari scrolls utilize a script developed by the famed mystic Rabbi Isaac Luria and are favored by Chasidic communities, while the Beit Yosef style is commonly associated with communities hailing from Germany, England, and Lithuania.
✡ Kosher Mehadrin - There's kosher and then there's kosher mehadrin, a stricter standard followed by some, that is even more meticulous than for a regular kosher scroll. For the consumer who wants the best of the best, these scrolls come with a certificate attesting to their following the highest standards.
✡ Cost - More expensive scrolls are usually the ones more beautifully written, with fancier script, and/or following a stricter kosher standard. A cheaper kosher scroll is just fine for many households, but some people aim to have the most beautiful ritual items they can afford, as Jewish tradition sees it as exemplary to "beautify the mitzvah" (commandment).
Different Sizes of Mezuzah Scrolls
Mezuzah cases come in different sizes, and so do the mezuzah scrolls to put inside!
Our store offers sizes ranging from 2.76" or 7 cm, to 5.9" or 15 cm.
When you purchase a mezuzah case from our site, the product page will have an option to add a mezuzah scroll in the appropriate size.
If you have any questions or need assistance in choosing the right mezuzah scroll, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Service team!
As always we are happy to assist you, and happy shopping!